
Thursday 20 June 2013

There goes another day

We were really looking forward to getting back to Canada, I don't know what it was though..maybe it was really starting to feel like home! After a breezy border crossing (although with no stamp in our passport to prove it) we cruised up the highway to Calgary. The highways were noticeably smaller than those in the us and the signage wasn't as friendly and there were significantly less services along the way! It was a lot greener though and the sky was blue and the sun was shining, something it felt as though we hasn't seen in a few days!

 We arrived in Calgary and weren't really sure what to do with ourselves so started the usual routine, threw on multiple loads of washing, connected to the wifi, charged our electronic devices and chilled out! We treated ourselves to a motel room with a kitchenette this time so made sure to totally utilise the facilities and feasted on steak, salmon and vegetables that hadn't come out of a can!!

We were in a city so a city tour was in order and owing to my failure at finding a day bag in the big ol city of Helena, this was our first mission. After working out the public transport and waiting o the side of a very dirty highway for about an hour we finally made it into town and within about half an hour found ourselves in Starbucks..typical! We sat out an afternoon storm before having success with a backpack in a camping store! We received a $20 gift card for making the purchase so spent about an extra 30minutes trying to find something else to buy!! Always fun..

We strolled along a river and through the park, played on the swings and then found ourselves in a sports bar watching some rugby union! Finally a game that I could kind of follow!! 

After  our city tour we were lost for things to do so Spent our last day in Calgary preparing ourselves for the next leg of the trip. Jimmy got a wash, we stocked up at Walmart (and found out that the Canadian arm of the brand is nothing compared to the American), Rhys cut his hair (and his new facial growth) and of course we found time to play some frisby!

We left Calgary fresh, recharged and ready to head back into the wilderness. We had also learned that Canada was not as traveler friendly as America with grocery and gas prices almost double and liquor not being readily available in gas stations!

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