
Saturday 20 October 2012

The beginning of the next chapter

After deciding we were going to drop everything and move to Canada and as soon as we had our jobs secured the first (and probably biggest) step was quitting our jobs in Brisbane. I was lucky enough to be able to take 12 months leave without pay from my job and i have never felt such freedom as walking out of the office on my last day. It was the best feeling ever. Although i left feeling a little used and abused and sadly most of my last memories of my last project at the Brisbane airport weren't really good ones, I put it all behind me and focused on what was next; two weeks of moving, stress , packing and then CANADA!
The good memories
How I plan to remember the project at the brisbane airport

I finished work on the Thursday the 27th of October, I thought i'd give myself a headstart being a lady of leisure before Rhys finished up on the Friday the 28th. After a weekend getaway camping down at Lake Ainsworth at Lennox Heads we started the huge and tedious task of packing up our belongings into boxings and storing them between our parents houses (while trying to remember what went where!) 

Roller blading at Lennox Heads before we started all the moving

We packed our travelling bags first so none of the things we were going to take with us to Canada got packed into storage and then had to be found later on! Then we started culling our stuff and packing it away.

The first attempt at packing our lives into backpacks
 The first day we started, we donated 7+ garbage bags of clothes, shoes and books to the salvos.. and that was only the first day!!  there were plenty more after that in what seemed like millions of trips we made between the unit and our storage locations!

The first load we took to the Salvos

It was an exhausting task and I don't think i felt anything but stress during the whole process but it was so well worth it in the end!!!

When we were done it was nice to be able to sit down and enjoy a few wines and get excited about the following week and my stop over in New Zealand!

E x

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